Footballer and Football Simulation Markup Language
and related Software Development

We have an audacious dream, we would like to develop a simulation and virtual reality system to support the decision making in European football (soccer).


"We are working on a decision support system for European football (soccer). This idea was introduced in paper [1]. Based on the successful experience of Soccer Game 4u OSE, a new XML markup language is being developed using Relax NG compact syntax. This language is the Footballer and Football Simulation Markup Language or Football(er) Simulation Markup Language (FerSML for short)." [6]

The FerSML platform contains two fundamental layers: an XML data (avatar) layer and a simulation software layer.

Recent analysis results
  • [1] N. Bátfai, „Footballer and Football Simulation Markup Language and related Simulation Software Development”, Journal of Computer Science and Control Systems, Vol. 3., No. 1., (2010).
  • [2] Norbert Bátfai: Bevezető számítások a labdarúgás szimulációs jelölőnyelv kialakításához, Híradástechnika, LXV 2010/5-6, The First Computing for Development of a Footballer and Football Simulation Markup Language, (
  • [3] Norbert Bátfai: The Socceral Force, CoRR, abs/1004.2003,
  • [4] N. Bátfai, „Who Will Win the World Cup 2010? A Short Case Study for FerSML”, (2010), submitted.
  • [5] N. Bátfai, E. Bátfai, „Distributed Supporter Avatar Database In World Football”, (2010), submitted.
  • [6] N. Bátfai, „Mobile Game Design and Development”, PhD Dissertation and Thesis, 2010. [Online]. Available:
FerSML Press Room
Hungarian Blog (Elosztott Szurkolói Avatár Adatbázis)
English Blog (Distributed Supporter Avatar Database)

Hungarian Press

Supporter Avatars (Distributed Supporter Avatar Database)


Contact: Norbert Bátfai, Debrecen, Hungary, nbatfai at gmail com
Last modified: 2010-08-14, old index.html